Friday, December 18, 2009

Cookies, Crafties and Music oh- my! Also, doo-goodery.

So I am baking today. Cookie baking(Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Chai Spice, and Peanut Butter!).

All the cookies will be vegan. On my facebook I solicited to friends that if they were interested in having me send them cookies. I got about 6 people who were interested. Now I don't mind that the offer only got a lukewarm response. (Could you imagine of all 300 of my "friends" responded that they wanted cookies? I'd be poor from buying all of those supplies, and mailing them all out!! YIKES!)
But today will be so fun- I'm especially excited about making the chai spice cookies. It's a nice change from the usual sugar/butter holiday cookies(which are always ALWAYS awesome), but the spice keeps the theme intact.As mentioned in my last blog, this helps me heal. Usually doing for others does that. Also the smell of cookies baking in a warm house when it's particularly blustery outside always makes for a nice afternoon.

Speaking of doing for others...I have yet to actually volunteer. And it's on my radar- But really every opportunity to help out is inundated with holiday do-gooders. Which is awesome. But you know what? People are still homeless after Christmas. And still hungry after the New Year. I think that I can commit to once a month volunteering at both a homeless shelter (clothing or food assistance) and being a volunteer or companion at a Senior Center. But this is AFTER the dust settles from the Santa-suck ups. It don't want to have to wait in line to help people. I know that after the holidays there is a much greater need to help so I'm going to. I want to see if any of my friends would want to do that with me. Back in November my friend Jessica and I volunteered at the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary. It was not only a lot of fun, but really rewarding. There are probably more than a few of my friends who'd like that feeling. We'll see.

*Just so this is known, I am only publicly discussing my intent to volunteer because putting it out there holds me accountable. Not that I wouldn't do it if I didn't say so on the internets- but things so easily get forgotten and put off. Generally it's tacky to parade around ones good deeds. And really, volunteering isn't so amazing. Everyone should do it so it's kind of akin to advertising that I washed my hands after I went to the bathroom.*

What a day...I'm also excited because of the Hanukkah party I'm going to later! There will be latkes and dreidel, and fun!! Michael and Jason (my hubs uncle and uncles husband) always have the most wonderful gatherings. The trek to Brooklyn is always worth it to be in there cozy and warm home. I'm bringing cider with mulling spices, a crudites, and my camera! Hmm, I wonder what I'm going to wear. (This is only half joking, I think that I am out of my autumn clothing and need to find my warmer Winter sweaters!)

So far on my list of to-do, I've practiced my clarinet for about 25 minutes. NOW I have to go to the market to buy some missing ingredients, and get to work. The day is starting to catch up with me and I refuse to be caught off guard like that!

Glen Cove, 11.09

Glen Cove, 11.09

Glen Cove 11.09


  1. I'll have the Chai spice....and Choc chips! Thanks. Though I'm not yet your friend on FB!!! Plus I LOVE the ant on a leaf and the oak. Super job.

  2. Thanks Ozoz! I'm so glad you liked the pictures! Thanks for stopping by- Hope you'll come back to read some more, and check out more pictures! :)
