Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We all...


If you click the link above, you'll be brought to a you tube clip of not only one my favorite songs, but one of my favorite messages. Thank goodness for Sesame Street!

As a very young child (4, 5 years old?) this message came through loud and clear and has stuck with me. No matter what our differences are: location, tax bracket, cultural identity, racial identity, political view, feelings on Leno vs. Letterman, WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Really we are. It's easy to judge, and scream, and "hate on" others when you let little differences get in the way.

So how do we forget these lessons as adults? I know there are plenty of kids who have seen this clip, and know this song but are still asses. Closed minded asses. And even worse- there are generations of adults, world leaders, government officials, who have a terrible mind set about other people. Whats crazy, is there is a church or house of worship right now speaking to the exact opposite of this message. Somewhere the name of God is being used to instill hate, and fear and bigotry. How terrible right?

Thats where we (by we, I mean the good people who are out there. The good people that I know actually out number the bad) all come in . It's up to the enlightened people to send love, and operate on a higher plane.
A lot of the people I know who are negative, and seem to have the weight of the world on their shoulders- THEY are the ones who need love. The people who stress you out the most- THEY are the ones who need kindness.

Thats going to be something for me to work on remembering. I'll have to listen to a certain song a few more times, and hopefully (if I get the time) I can meditate on the concept of having  love for the people who are least lovable. Wish me luck :).

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