Thursday, February 25, 2010

My friends change the world

If somebody was to ask you what your most prized posession was, what would your answer be? A family heirloom? Photos from the past? An award of some sort?

Well, if you ask me what my most prized posession was, I'd have to say that I have many (and wont' choose just one becauseyoucantmakemenononono!)....and aside from my most absolutely final 100% first answer being my soul (as it's the only thing you can really possess) I have to say my many dear excellent friends. Old ones, new ones. It's amazing how blessed I am to know the stellar human beings that I do. Kind, generous, beautiful, wild, creative, amazing people who are accompanying me in my life.

One in particular needs to be called out. Jessica R. Now we've known each other...almost 5 years. Maybe a little more or less- I don't know the exact awesome date that we met- but it was an awesome day. And like all friends we've had disagreements, and don't always share the exact point of view; luckily though we usually do and completely agree that the world needs a REVOLUTION, and it'll most likely be though food. She's a [LEVEL 9] vegan and has basically committed her life to making it better. For 9-5 she's a social worker and all the time she's an artist.Now this awesome girl Jessica- She is really changing the world. She's my most favorite vegan (even more so than Alecia Silverstone), and a sick writer. Not ill/sick feeling bad- but SICK like her words are like precious jewels strung together to create an abundance of treasure that is her knowledge, compassion and ability to make anyone feel empowered.  She has a blog (posted on the bottom of my blog, Mother Earth R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.S.), and is a writer for (here is a link to her most recent contribution).
I am so proud of her, and honored to call her my dear friend.

Of course there are SO many of my friends whom I could blather on about who are also incredibly talented, kind, and do amazing things for the world- but is it selfish if I say that my friends(each and every single one) is special to me because of how happy they make me, and how much they make me smile and laugh?

In other news I am happily gluten free right now. Here is a link on why gluten is not so great to eat...
While I am not a Celiac, gluten, is like glue....who wants that in their body? I just feel better. I mean, yeah bread is great but not better than how I feel.
But of course I know that while I have made this change, there are plenty of others that can be made as well. In the past few days I've been feeling overwhelmed- I'm less lazy so more things are getting done but I really need some time to create and work on some projects that have been on the back burner. One of them is a collection of paintings using mixed media as a critique on the world around well as seeing if my town is able to start a composting project with schools. I hope it's feasible b/c there are so many great things that can trickle down from there. All in due time I suppose.

TO conclude I have started my 2 week crash training for a 5 mile race. It's my first one and I'm scared actually. But it's cool. Things that are scary are often scary because they force you to grow and challenge you to rise out of your current state. So I'm excited too.


I'd like to post this link to Jessica's most recent blog. She's a mind blowing talented writer who expresses her thoughts brilliantly. Please read, and subscribe. I adore her. What she's talking about was what I initially started my blog to do. I wanted to share ideas in a similar vein- somehow I got sidetracked. 
My point- this is it:

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