Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being fabulous without being an asshole...

Is there a middle ground in consumerism? Because like most Americans I have that part of my brain that WANTS, that has a constant case of the "gimmes". In reality it's THIS mentality that has us looking like global assholes. We've(by we I mean we Americans) have dug ourselves into global debt, big business debt, and personal debt(due to 17 year olds getting credit cards. Really? Kids that age shouldn't even have control of their penises and vaginas! Credit card? Who's bright idea is that?!) and into a reputation of being pigs (you know, neo-colonialism is the trend in big countries apparently). And the comparison to pigs isn't in the kind way. Its in the gluttonous way. Yuck. And with the ideal of obtaining "fabulocity" through the acquisition of fanciful, over priced, made-by-the-slave-labor-hands-of children, items- it's near impossible to be fabulous without being an asshole. Really, it's sad because when you work hard, and you want something nice, sometimes you don't want to go to a thrift store. How do you get a bat mizvah dress or a dress for a fancy occasion at a second hand shop? SOME vintage shops will have some amazing gowns, and coture dresses- but thats few and far between when it comes to occasion shopping. I often find amazing pieces that are gorgeous, timeless AND quality coture dresses ONLY when I am piss poor broke, or when I have no reason to buy it. So again, my question, how can you be fabulous and NOT an asshole?

My conclusion: It is not your possessions that make you fabulous. No matter what the gorgeously photographed glossy magazines say, and no matter what the pin-thin models are wearing- Fabulous needs to come from within. Fabulous is in the joy, and love, and happiness you bring to every moment. It's the way you make OTHER people feel. So I'll get over my gimmes. Maybe I'll buy something fancy that I'll have to assume doesn't come from a sweat shop filled with 7 year olds.

So without Christian Louboutin heels***, (the ones that are linked there are ones that I kind of cry with joy from looking and THESE and THESE) and without the Diane von Furstenburg dresses that the asshole fabulous part of me aches to wear...I WILL be my OWN FABULOUS!

(***Note: While I don't  wear heels often, if I'm going to wear them I want them to be fierce and worth it)



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