Monday, November 30, 2009

idle hands...

Now that I've (re-)learned how to crochet, the crocheting and sewing will probably nag at me all day, every day. Of course all the while I'll be working, and driving; quite unable to pull at the lanky, but soft and welcoming yarn and embroidery floss that ache to be a flourish, or stitch holding together some whim that fluttered across my whimsy-filled, lollygagging mind. And now that I've found the button collection that I thought was lost- Oh wow. I do not have enough time to take care of this. I think that I will be taking some personal days and just setting up my own little (non-union, but very fair trade since I can stop for a sip of tea, to change my itunes, or obliterate an apple any ol'time I'd like) factory. All I can say is that it's a good thing my sewing machine isn't working...because then I'd not only raid every fabric store from here to Kalamazoo- but then I'd spend all my money. Well, then everyone would get hand made gifts for the holidays.

Well, thats what everyone's getting anyway.

One wish that I wish right this moment is more time to paint and craft as I wish. It's not always easy being an artist trapped in a working persons body. Even if my job is magnificent....

I should go before this takes up even more time that I should be playing with buttons and string.


  1. I totally agree -- though I'm not sure which category of artist I would fall into, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't make a solid living of singing/making shit/being creative. I always wish I had more time to work on music, knitting, being crafty, and finishing long-neglected projects like photo albums (hellooo, study abroad was SIX YEARS AGO -- I seriously need to get on it!). Sigh. It doesn't help that my job is soulless... you've got a leg up on me there ;)

  2. I know what you mean- I'm sitting here, supposed to be writing a dissertation, with my fabric stash stacked up behind me, whispering about all the presents I plan to make for the holidays!
