Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hey- So I noticed that I have eleven followers. I'd like to have more. Because ultimately I want to connect with the whole world in some meaningful way.

On one hand, I'd like to make the sad happy, the happy happier, and the lonely feel that they are not alone. I'd like to mull over ways to make the world better with like minded bohemian thinkers such as myself in plush pillowed tents with colorful drapes, amber and incense wafting about as we smoke hookah and drink mint tea and snack on halvah and honeyed almonds. I want to hear the sitar and chimes. I want to be a part of the collective good will and love that I know outweighs and out muscles the seemingly petulant dark elements in this world.

While on the other hand I want to fight big corporations who are stepping on the little guy. I want to scream and be heard. I'd like my message of hope to go to those who have lost theirs. I want to comfort the sad and let them know that I care, even if it seems that the world has gone black. I'd like to make a small child know that they hold the love and power of the entire universe in their laughter.One day I'd like to make mother nature know how much I appreciate her and how she never fails to delight and inspire me.

I want to save trees, and show people that they should relish the nutrients and goodness in the soil. I'd like to move the worms from puddles onto muddy grass so they can go back home and not drown. I want to bring food to the hungry masses who have never seen more food than they could eat placed before them. I want to help lost souls find a place to call home.

Where there is a dark shadow of fear, I want to bring comfort and light. Where there is anger and hate, I'd like to show compassion and friendship.  In the echoing silence I want there to be music and song....I want to paint the world and reveal that there is beauty and grace in almost every corner of every moment.

I'd like to follow, and be followed.

                                                  nyc love, 3/2010

                                             my sweet baboo and I, 3/2010

                                             Morgan Park, 12/2010

                                             Lace Hydrangea  7/2009

                                Rose, 6/2009

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