Monday, March 1, 2010

And back to my original point.

This will not be fluffy. You have been warned. There will be many links.

Here is why ORGANIC neesd to be the new normal. Here is why MONSANTO is shamelessly and viciously raping our mother. Mother Nature.

Yeah, I said it, and it's true. See below for some links that tell some stories that aren't an urban legend, and aren't exaggerations. It's the bloody nightmare that is Monsanto. Click this link to take you to the seemingly benign website for Monsanto.

And here is a link to their brands, so when you're driving, and you see these little signs next to the crops you'll know you are looking not at the yield of beautiful crops nurtured by nature, and the earth- but a science project destined to kill us all in the end.
They blatantly lie and spread mis-information about SUSTAINABLE farming?! Anf dskmgnds893wru32984ytqrui(*@T$E(*#YHREWJ BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing sustainable about Monsanto. They are making people sick. They are harming the soil of these farms. They are bankrupting small farmers who won't capitulate and use their seeds. Even worse, they are SUING farmers who due to cross pollination have the genetic MUTANT BASTARD SEEEDS in their crops on accident. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. There is something primal in my hatred for this company. They are harming the planet and our nation, along with the other countries who allow them to sell their demon seeds. I am livid. This is why I promote local, organic and true sustainability.

Below are some links to stories about this horrific company. (from one of my favorite websites- ecosalon)
This link from the same site discusses a film about the company that discusses farmers in India who kill themseves as a result of the business tactics of this VILE corporation.

This is how i plan to revolutionize. I don't buy conventional if I can avoid it. The conventional I DO buy is local and from small farms that use real sustainable practices. Not huge farms innundated by this harmful terrible company.

The change I want to see is people being concientous about where there foods comes from; I want people to take a stand against big businesses and make companies that are harmful pay the prices. I am trying to be the change I wish to see in the world.

It's unfortunate that in todays day and age where people have access to so much information, that we still fall into the patterns of ignorance and complacency. Whats even worse is that corporations like this are manipulating where more than just our fruits and vegetables and fatty, inhumanely raised, corn fed beef come from; they also shape our health. There are miniroties (and the majority of people suffering from ill health as a result of a poor diet ARE minorities) who have no access to healthy, organic foods. They have no choice but to eat what is government subsidized. This puts them at a greater risk of diet related illnesses such as high blood pressure, obesity and more commonly, diabetes. A great blog about this is yet again, Jessica my friend who is a fellow food (among many other things) activist. Her most recent blog does discuss this in depth. Food injustice is something that not many of us have to deal with but it's a very harsh reality that exists.

Please choose organic- it's better for the world, better for you, and it sends a message. While it may seem subtle, it's loud and clear. When you vote with your dollar you don't mix any messages. Loud and clear let the big businesses know that they are messing with the wrong consumers, and do NOT want their science projects in their bodies!!

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