Monday, February 8, 2010

All good things...

This past December I had a piece of artwork in a gallery for the first time ever! It was quite exciting, and I am looking forward to having another gallery  soon.

In this showing, it was a 6x6 canvas (hence the name of the SixbySix gallery!). Everyone who bought the kit created a piece of art and as long as it was submitted by the deadline it'd get to be up in the gallery for a month, and then on the website for 3 months. Pretty exciting(for me at least!).

Here is a link to the galleries website:

AND here is the piece I had in it:

It's entitled 'Key to the City', and was inspired by my friend Reid. And even though I don't see him often he had an impact on me. He's just so bright, and talented. I'm so lucky to know him and all of my amazingly talented and kind friends.

So whats next creatively? I have been working on a few sample pieces to send to a boutique in Saratoga! I'm almost done- and just have to make my tags and attach them. It'll be fabric art- and I'll make sure to post them when they are ready to be sent (the tags are my favorite part I think!). Hopefully it'll catch on and then I can focus on making backstock and setting up either an etsy page, or selling direct to shops here in the city.

Of course there's the matter of other things that were on a previously blogged about list: Clarinet/Burlesque/Improv etc.

All in a matter of time.

Thats the thing, I have so much happening in my head all at once- it's like a juggling act. Sometimes something falls out of the loop, but eventually I'll pick it up again.

And then to top all that off- I'm planning a mini trip to California. I can't stay away. Not at all....Why is that. There is something about being on the West Coast that makes me so happy. I'll keep you posted.

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